Tuesday, October 28, 2008

greetings from the US

Hello and welcome to our new blog! We’re currently a few days into our trip through the US, and just sitting around in our room in Conway, New Hampshire. So it seemed like a good time to get the ball rolling on this thing.

We’ve just come from Maine, where lobster and fog were the maine-stays. Get it? I made a funny. But I’m not the only one to pull this pun. It’s all over the place, usually as the name of some business, such as ‘Mainely Used Cars’, ‘Mainely Antiques’, etc. There are a lot of antique shops around, but at least one of them had the honesty to call itself ‘Antiques and Junque.’

Anyway, I hope you tune in for the ride. It should be an interesting journey, as long as daph doesn’t kill me before it’s over.



  1. haha oh well, if daph doesn't kill you, it looks like the food just might!!

    Have a great and safe trip guys! :) Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!!

  2. oh that was bunny by the way! i've fixed the paris thing now hehe.

  3. hehe thanks for your confidence bunny ;) can't wait to see you guys in Oz!
